Selected Bibliography
Backstage Passes, 1994, New York; Jove Books
Bowie, David
BowieNet (
Buckley, David
Strange Fascination, 1999, London; Virgin Books
Gillman, Peter and Leni
Alias: David Bowie, 1986, London; Hodder & Stoughton
Bowie: The Definitive Biography, 1985, Great Britain; Cox and Wyman Ltd.
Sandford, Christopher
Bowie: Loving the Alien, 1996, London; Warner Books
Thomson, Elizabeth and David Gutman
The Bowie Companion, 1993, New York; Da Capo
Torrie, Evan
Teenage Wildlife (
Tremlett, George
David Bowie: Living on the Brink, 1996, New York; Carroll & Graf
Zanetta, Tony and Henry Edwards
Stardust: The Life and Times of David Bowie, 1986, London; Michael Joseph
These, along with many input from fans and numerous other sources helped put this site together. I would like to thank everyone who has contributed and I would like to encourage everyone else to contribute!
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